
The research Group will develop work on relations between the Latin language and other languages, in the Iberian Peninsula and the analysis of epigraphic texts, and their archaeological context, from Paleo-Hispanic times to Late Antiquity. The main objectives are:

1) to produce high-quality studies at an international level and to provide new knowledge on:

a) The analysis of the evidence of phenomena of multilingualism and linguistic diversity, related to the evolution of the communities and their cultural profiles(which implies the study of society, its political and social organization, their religious and symbolic practices).

b) The study the Latin language coexistence with other linguistic expressions, from antiquity to the medieval epigraphy.

c) The study ofPaleo-Hispanic religious and linguistic expressions in the West of the Iberian Peninsula.

d) The study of an indigenous tradition of sacred spaces in archaeological and epigraphic perspectives, with emphasis on text and context. We purpose to perform the analysis of epigraphic elements and their relationship to the site where they are, from the perspective of the archaeological site itself, the surrounding landscape and the human occupation of the same territory.

e) The study of the monuments and funerary practices in the ancient municipium olisiponensis.

f) The evaluation of socio-cultural development of communities in Portuguese territory: from Romanity to Late Antiquity.

Colaboração em projetos internacionais / Cooperation in international research projects:

– CIL II: Nueva edición. -1. Conventus Gaditanus II2/6: Campo de Gibraltar y la Janda. -2. Conventus Scallabitanus II2/2: El litoral de Olisipo a Collippo y de la desembocadura del Tajo hasta Sellium (GADCILSCA) (PID2019-107905GB-I00), com financiamento pelo Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad del Gobierno Español. (início: 06-2020 até 2024).

– Nueva edición del CIL II. 1. Inscripciones del extremo occidental del conventus Gaditanus (CIL II2/6). 2. Inscripciones de los municipios antiguos en territorio portugués al este del Guadiana (FFI2016-77528-P) – IP Helena Gimeno Pascual (Centro de Investigación CIL II) (Data de início: 30-12-2016 – data de conclusão: 29-12-2019) – http://baetica.letras.ulisboa.pt/?page_id=314&lang=pt

Escritura expuesta y poder en España y Portugal (siglos XVI-XVII) Catálogo epigráfico on-line (HAR2015-63637-P) – IP Manuel Ramírez Sanchez (Data de início: 01-01-2016 – data de conclusão: 31-12-2018) – https://www.epigrafiahumanistica.eu

FERCAN – Fontes Epigraphici Religionis Celticae Antiquae (Österreischischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Viena) & Institut für Alte Geschichte und Altertumskunde (Graz).