
II International Summer School: Epigraphy for the Study of the Latin Language

New deadline for registration: 15 July 2022

Silvia Tantimonaco and Catarina Gaspar (coordenation)

Epigraphy means, in its essence, an act of writing, which implies the use of a specific system of signs (alphabet) and of a codified language. The language of inscriptions is often expressed in standard formulas but also shows different registers and variations as according to the communication goals of different epigraphic categories as well as of chronological and sociological variables. Most of these aspects of the Latin Language do not emerge from the corpus of literary texts. In this sense, Epigraphy represents an invaluable source for our knowledge of the evolutive history, internal diversifications and spoken dimension of the Latin language, an ancient corpus-based language. At the same time, philological knowledges play a fundamental role in the edition of epigraphic texts.

The place of Epigraphy in the philological and linguistic field has been, nevertheless, only seldom emphasized as it would have deserved. This International Summer School focuses specifically on the Latin Language, and aims to create awareness on the potential of the epigraphical evidence for philological and linguistic studies, without disregarding the archaeological and historical dimension of inscriptions in light of sociolinguistic investigation. It provides participants with basic knowledges in Latin Epigraphy and with the main theoretical, methodological and practical tools for linguistic and philological research through epigraphic materials.

The Summer School is especially addressed to BA, MA and PhD students as well as to Postdocs with philological-linguistic interests. Applications of students and specialists from other disciplines as well as of high-school teachers of Latin are also welcome.

For a more profitable attendance of the School, intermediate or advanced Latin skills are recommended. No previous knowledge of Latin Epigraphy is required.

Topics to be handled during the School are: Pre-Roman writing cultures, Archaic Latin, Vulgar Latin, Epigraphic Poetry, and the linguistic value of epigraphic misspellings, among others.

Classes will be held online through the Zoom platform by an international team of expert epigraphers, philologists and linguists.

Prerequisites: Latin skills are highly desirable. Previous knowledge of Latin Epigraphy  is not required

Venue: Classes will be held online (Zoom).

Course Language:  The course language will be English

Dates: 25/07/2022 a 29/07/2022

Sessions: 10h00 to 18h00


Monday, July 25

9.45 Welcome & Greetings

10.00 Introduction to Latin Epigraphy I (Tantimonaco)

11.15 Break

11.30 Introduction to Latin Epigraphy II (Tantimonaco)

12.45 Lunch Break

15.00 Sociolinguistic & Epigraphic Landscapes (Gaspar)

16.15 Break

16.30 Reading, Editing & Consulting Latin Inscriptions (Tantimonaco)

Tuesday, July 26

10.00 Pre-Roman Epigraphic Cultures of Italy (Marchesini)

11.15 Break

11.30 Multilingual Inscriptions (Estarán Tolosa)

12.45 Lunch Break

15.00 A History of the Latin Alphabet (Urbanová)

16.15 Break

16.30 The Language of Latin Archaic Inscriptions (Meusel)

Wednesday, July 27

10.00 Misspelled Inscriptions: Linguistic Value & Methodological Approach (Tantimonaco)

11.15 Break

11.30 Latin Case System on Stones (Suárez-Martínez)

12.45 Lunch Break

15.00 Linguistic Features of Latin Curse Tablets (Urbanová)

16.15 Break

16.30 The Inscriptions of the Christians: Transition from Latin to Romance (Gaspar)

Thursday, July 28

10.00 The Latin Language in Roman Juridical Inscriptions (Querzoli)

11.15 Break

11.30 The Development of Latin as Reflected by Roman Names (Salomies)

12.45 Lunch Break

15.00 Literary & Epigraphic Sources for the Construction of the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae


16.15 Break

16.30 Roman Graffiti & Latin Obscene Vocabulary (Marchionni)

Friday, July 29

10.00 The alleged Latin medius sonus in light of Epigraphic Evidence (Suárez-Martínez)

11.15 Break

11.30 Versification, Roman Prosody & Quantitative Problems in Latin Verse Inscriptions


12.45 Lunch Break

15.00 Literary Aspects of Latin Verse Inscriptions. A Case Study of Elia (CLE 492) (Fernández


16.15 Break

16.30 Teaching Latin through Epigraphy at the Secondary School (Tantimonaco)

17.45 Conclusions

*GMT+1 hours Classes start at 10 & end at approx. 17.45 every day Each class includes 15 min. for questions.


María José Estarán Tolosa
University of Zaragoza

Concepción Fernández Martínez
University of Seville

Catarina Gaspar 
University of Lisbon

Simona Marchesini
Alteritas, Verona

Roberta Marchionni
Thesaurus Linguae Latinae, Munich

Eduard Meusel 
Thesaurus Linguae Latinae, Munich

Nóra Paulus 
Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest

Serena Querzoli
University of Ferrara

Olli Salomies
University of Helsinki 

Pedro Manuel Suárez-Martínez 
University of Oviedo

Silvia Tantimonaco
University of Lisbon

Daniela Urbanová
Masaryk University, Brno

Contact & Registration lisboasummerschool@gmail.com

Registration form must be requested by email.

Registration form and Bank transfer confirmation should be sent to lisboasummerschool@gmail.com

Please include your name in the bank transfer.

New deadline for registration: 15 July 2022

Activation of the School with min. 20 participants

Fees: 80 € for PhD students and Postdocs; 60€ for BA and MA students as well as for highschool teachers.

Payment should be done by bank transfer to:

Bank: Caixa Geral de Depósitos – Agência Reitoria da Universidade de Lisboa


Account: 0824005100330

NIB 0035 0824 00005100330 69

IBAN PT50 0035 0824 00005100330 69


Certificates of CompletionCertificates of completion will be delivered to participants upon request.


Catarina Gaspar Silvia Tantimonaco

Research Group HPRT3-Epigraphica

This activity has been funded by Portuguese national funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in the scope of the research project UIDB/00019/2020.

& is under the auspices of 

AIEGL – Association Internationale d’Épigraphie Grecque et Latine.

Epigraphy for the Study of the Latin Language

International Summer School

June 21-25, 2021

Epigraphy is, in its essence, an act of writing, which implies the use of a specific alphabet and a codified language.  The language of Latin inscriptions is often expressed in standard formulas, but it also shows different registers and variations owing to the communication goals of different epigraphic categories as well as to chronological and sociological variables. Most of these aspects of the  Latin Language do not emerge from the corpus of literary texts. Epigraphy thus represents an invaluable source for our knowledge of the evolutionary history, internal diversifications  and the spoken dimension of Latin,  an ancient corpus-based language.  At the same time, philological knowledge plays a fundamental role in the editing of epigraphic texts.

This International Summer School aims to develop an awareness of the potential of the epigraphical evidence for philological  and linguistic studies,  without disregarding the archaeological and historical dimensions of inscriptions in light of sociolinguistic investigations.  It provides participants with a basic knowledge in Latin Epigraphy and the main theoretical, methodological and practical tools for linguistic and philological research through epigraphic materials.

Target Groups: The Summer School is especially addressed to BA, MA and PhD students  as well as to Post-docs with philological-linguistic interests.  An interest in participation from students and specialists from other disciplines as well as high-school teachers of Latin is also welcome.

Prerequisites: Latin skills are highly desirable. Previous knowledge of Latin Epigraphy  is not required

Venue: Classes will be held online (Zoom).

Course Language:  The course language will be English



Monday, June 21

9.45 Welcome & Greetings

10.00 Introduction to Latin Epigraphy I (Tantimonaco)

11.15 Break

11.30 Introduction to Latin Epigraphy II  (Tantimonaco)

12.45 Lunch Break

15.00 Sociolinguistics of Latin Inscriptions (Gaspar)

16.15 Break

16.30 Reading, Editing & Consulting Latin Inscriptions  (Tantimonaco)

Tuesday, June 22

10.00 Pre-Roman Epigraphic Cultures of Italy (Marchesini)

11.15 Break

11.30 Multilingual Inscriptions (Estarán Tolosa)

12.45 Lunch Break

15.00 Archaic Latin Alphabet (Urbanová)

16.15 Break

16.30 The Language of Archaic Latin Inscriptions (Poccetti)

Wednesday, June 23

10.00 Introduction to Vulgar Latin (Gaspar)

11.15 Break

11.30 Misspelled Inscriptions: Linguistic & Cognitive Approach (Tantimonaco)

12.45 Lunch Break

15.00 The Development of Latin as Reflected by Roman Names (Salomies)

16.15 Break

16.30 Latin Curse Tablets: General Overview & Linguistic Features (Urbanová)

Thursday, June 24

10.00 Juridical Latin in Epigraphic Records (Tarrío)

11.15 Break

11.30 The alleged Latin medius sonus in light of Epigraphic Evidence (Suárez-Martínez)

12.45 Lunch Break

15.00 Latin Case System on Stones (Suárez-Martínez)

16.15 Break

16.30 The Inscriptions of  the Christians: Transition from Latin to Romance (Gaspar)

Friday, June 25

10.00 Versification, Roman Prosody & Quantitative Problems in Latin Verse Inscriptions (Paulus)

11.15 Break

11.30 Literary Aspects of Latin Verse Inscriptions (Fernández Martínez)

12.45 Lunch Break

15.00 Epigraphy & Lexicography: Thesaurus Linguae Latinae & Graffiti (Marchionni)

16.15 Break

16.30 Teaching Latin through Epigraphy at the Secondary School (Tantimonaco)

17.30 Final Remarks


*GMT+1 hours Classes start at 10 & end at approx. 17.45 every day Each class includes 15 min. for questions


María José Estarán Tolosa
University of Zaragoza

Concepción Fernández Martínez
University of Seville

Catarina Gaspar
University of Lisbon

Simona Marchesini
Alteritas, Verona

Roberta Marchionni
Thesaurus Linguae Latinae, Munich

Nóra Paulus
Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest

Paolo Poccetti
University of Rome Tor Vergata

Olli Salomies
University of Helsinki 

Pedro Manuel Suárez-Martínez
University of Oviedo

Silvia Tantimonaco
University of Lisbon

Ana María Tarrío
University of Lisbon

Daniela Urbanová
Masaryk University, Brno

Contact & Registration lisboasummerschool@gmail.com

Registration form must be requested by email.

Registration form and Bank transfer confirmation should be sent to lisboasummerschool@gmail.com

Please include your name in the bank transfer.

Deadline for registration: 15 May 2021


80 € for PhD Students & Postdocs

60 € for BA & MA Students as well as for high-school teachers

Payment should be done by bank transfer to:

Bank: Caixa Geral de Depósitos – Agência Reitoria da Universidade de Lisboa


Account: 0824005100330

NIB 0035 0824 00005100330 69

IBAN PT50 0035 0824 00005100330 69


Certificates of CompletionCertificates of completion will be delivered to participants upon request.

Activation of the School with min. 20 participants


Catarina Gaspar Silvia Tantimonaco

Research Group HPRT3-Epigraphica

This activity has been funded by Portuguese national funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in the scope of the research project UIDB/00019/2020.

& is under the auspices of 

AIEGL – Association Internationale d’Épigraphie Grecque et Latine.